The UN Honor Roll
from Pressure Points and Middle East Program

The UN Honor Roll

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Palestinian Territories

International Organizations

The honor roll of countries that voted with the United States and Israel against the PLO’s foolish initiative in the UN General Assembly  is small. In addition to the Pacific island nations that always vote with the United States, there are only Canada, Panama, and the Czech Republic. Good for them for resisting the temptation to abstain, which is what was done by forty-one countries. Some were predictable, while others were disappointments: Australia, Germany, and Colombia, for example.

The overwhelming majority for the resolution comes as no surprise, for there is an automatic majority in the General Assembly for anything viewed as anti-Israel. Combine the Islamic Conference countries and the so-called Non-Aligned, and anything can pass--no matter how counter-productive.

Those few who voted no along with the United States voted right, and should be proud of their votes. It would be nice if the president called the Canadian, Czech, and Panamanian leaders to thank them.



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Palestinian Territories

International Organizations